
What is Heroin?
Heroin is an opioid drug, which is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance, which is extracted from the seeds of, of some particular species of the opium poppy plant. It is commonly available as a fine white or brown powder, a brown powder known as Mexican brown, or as a black sticky substance, the Black Tar heroin. Heroin is usually taken through injection or smoking which sometimes with snuffing produces effects such as euphoria and relaxation. Although it is very effective then most medicines, it is highly addictive and when taken it causes respiratory depression, overdose and other serious changes to the brain. Physical dependence can be experienced and it has known social and economical impacts if abused severally.
The Diagnosis of Heroin Addiction is based on a thorough examination through specialized healthcare professionals. This consisted of an in-depth examination of substance use history, physical health and psychological functioning. Screening tools and clinical interviews help in assessing the level of addiction as well as also confirming any comorbid mental health disorder. A correct diagnosis is important to create an accurate treatment plan that can cover every aspect of the person’s health and recovery needs.

Our Personalized Treatment Approach
Our experts blend therapies as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) with counseling and behavior therapy to serve patients through withdrawal, craving control and life-long recovery. We underscore the necessity of maintenance support, particularly group therapy and aftercare planning to assist with ongoing sobriety and enhancing a future free from addiction. We aim at offering holistic treatment to shape more lives to recover from heroin addiction successfully.